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Showing posts with label Derived or Composite Data Type. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derived or Composite Data Type. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Data Type in Programming Languages

12:37:00 pm 0

We had study about data type in all computers programming language, so I know about these data types. Every computer programming language has its own set of data types.
There are two types of data types.

We have discussed about derived / composite data type. These data type derived from the basic / primary data type.
1.     Array:- generally variable are capable of holding pnly one value at a time . if you want to store more than value at a time in a single variable we use arrays.  Arrays is also sequence of object.
Eg:- int num [5];
Reserve a sequence of five location of 2 bytes, each for storing interger num[0], num[1], num[2], num[3], num[4];
2.     Pointer: - is used to store the address of memory location.
Example:-          int n;
int *ptr;        //pointer to an interger
The following statement assign the address location of the variable ‘n’ to ‘ptr’ and ‘ptr’ is a pointer to ‘n’.
3.     Structure: - structure is collection of different type of variable.
Example: - structures of employee data i.e. name, salary, age, address e.t.c.
4.     Union: - union is collection of variables of different types sharing common memory space.
5.     Enumerated: - (enum) its members are the constant that are written as.
Identifiers data type through they g=have signed integer values that can be assigned to corresponding enumeration variables.
Enum tag {memebr1, member2, member3…….membern};
Example:- enum color{red, blue, green, white};

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