------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The computer language which use the mathematical properties of functions.LISP is such a kind of language which uses the functional properties of mathematics in programming.
It has four components:
1.A set of primitive functions
2.A set of functional forms
3.The application operation
4.A set of data objects
Applications of functional programming languages:
1.Autocad is built in LISP.
2.Super Mario 64 is significantly LISP.
3.IS Robotics uses LISP for real time control of robots.
4.Hot Metal is largely coded in LISP.
5.US military logistics software that was a major success of the Gulf war was written in LISP.
The functions that exist in LISP :
1.(null?L):Returns a true value if the list L is empty and false otherwise.
2.(car L):Returns the first element of the list L.
3.(cdr L):Results in a list without the first element(first element being removed).
4.(cons xy):Returns the list with car x and cdr y.
4.1.(car L)=x
4.2.(cdr L)=y
5.(list xyz):Retuns the list x,y,z
6.(quote x):doesnot evaluate x