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Showing posts with label OOps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OOps. Show all posts

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Basic Concept of OOPs?Example with C#

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                          Basic Concept of OOPs                                                                            Example with C#

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This is Krishna Singh .I’m software engineer Article is main mission for know about the program and increase our knowledge and helpful for u…
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Background this Article:
     There are some good articles out there, as I see it, newcomers will always struggle to understand the precise definition of a new concept. This article is an effort to provide an accurate information pool for new developers on the basics of, focusing on Object Oriented Programming (OOP). This article is for you.
Ø      Concepts of oops?
Ø      Concepts of objects?
Ø       Concepts of classes?
Ø      Concepts of Encapsulation?
Ø      Concepts of Abstraction?
Ø      Concepts of Inheritance?
Ø      Concepts of Polymorphism?
Ø      Concepts of Constructor and Destructor?
Concepts of oops?
(OOPs) stands on Object Oriented Programming is provide real time program concept. In order to clearly understand the object orientation, let’s take a car as an example. “Student” is a class and student age and student address is an object…

Fig: This Concept is the four main Gods of OOP in Software Worlds.
Concepts of objects?
An object can be consider to “thing” that can perform set of these activities and all the details of the consider “thing”. That the object performs defines the object's behavior.
                               “An object is an instance of class”.
“It is real time entities”.
For example:
Public class Student
Student objstudent=new Student ();
Concepts of classes?
“A class is blueprint from which the individual an object are created.”
            “A class is simply representation of a type of an object.”
“A class is a declaration a template or a blueprint that can be used to classify objects.”
   “A class is composed of these things, a name, attributes and operations.”
Public class Student
    int age , address;
   string name;
Student objstudent=new Student ();

According to the sample given below we can say that the Student object named objstudent, has been created out of the Student class.

Concepts of Encapsulation?
“An Encapsulation is packaging one or more components together.”
An Encapsulation provides data Representation flexibility by:
ü Hiding the implementation details.
ü Forcing the user to use an Inter face to access data.
ü Making the code more maintainable.
        “Other ways that an encapsulation can be used, as an example we can take the usage of an interface. The interface can be used to hide the information of an implemented class.”
The Encapsulation create class, the class expose public method and properties.
  “An Encapsulation is process of binding the data member and member function into a single unit.”
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Encapsulation
    class Rectangle
//public member variable
        public double length;
        public double width;
        public double GetArea()
            return length * width;
        public void Display()
        //end of the class Rectangle
        class ExcuteRectangle
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle();


See Below Output…

                                                 Types of Access Specified:
.Net has five access Specifies

Public -- Accessible outside the class through object reference.

Private -- Accessible inside the class only through member functions.

Protected -- Just like private but Accessible in derived classes also through member functions.

Internal -- Visible inside the assembly. Accessible through objects.

Protected Internal -- Visible inside the assembly through objects and in derived classes outside the assembly through member functions.

Concepts Of Abstraction?

·        “An Abstraction is process that involves identifying the critical behavior of an object and eliminating irrelevant and complex details.”
·        “An Abstraction is process hiding the implementation details or complex details and displaying the essential features.”
·        Abstraction allows you to look at high level details concentrate on relevant characteristics.
        A Computer consist of many things Such as Processer, Motherboard, RAM, Keyboard, mouse, Monitor, Wirless,Web Camera, USB Port, Battery, Speakers, etc. To use it, you don’t need to know now its works .You just need to know how to operate the Computer, However Computer another internal parts as well as not easy to use everywhere by everyone.
                                            “So here the computer is an object that is designed to hide its complexity. “

Concepts of Inheritance?
  On simple way u can to say “An Inheritance is process of driving the new class form already existing class.”…..

  “An Inheritance allows creating classes which are derived from other
Classes, so that they automatically include some of its "parent's" members, plus its own”.
        “The Classes in a Program can be related with each other & can be refused in various Situations; the process of creating a new class by adding sum features to an existing class .This process is called Inheritance.”

For example, we are going to suppose that we want to declare a series of classes that describe polygons like our Rectangle, or like
Triangle. They have certain common properties, such as both can be described by means of only two sides:
Height and base.
This could be represented in the world of classes with a class Polygon from which we would derive the two other ones: Rectangle and Triangle.

Concepts of Polymorphism?
“Polymorphism it’s form by and a Greek word & it’s mean many many form.”
                         “It has ability to allow a function to exist in different forms.”
“Polymorphism is the attribute that allows one interface to control access to a general class of actions.”
                                          “A Polymorphism the specific action selected is determined by the exact nature of the situation.”
   Different modes of a person depending upon the situation, he is in depicting of Polymorphism.
Ø  There are two Types of Polymorphism:-
a)      Static Polymorphism
b)      Dynamic Polymorphism
Static Polymorphism: - The response to the function is decided at compile time.
Dynamic Polymorphism: - The response to the function is decided at run time.
Ø  Function Overloading: - it’s means same name or two more function with different signature (parameter).it’s used to implementing static polymorphism.
Ø  Operator Overloading:-it’s means allow various operator to be applied to different user defined data types. It’s used for implementing dynamic polymorphism.
Ø  The numbers of parameter are different.
     void display(int);
      void display(int, char);
Ø  The data types of parameters are different.
       void display(int);
       void display(char);
Ø  The Sequence of the parameters are different.
       void display(int, char);
       void display(char,int);


Concepts of Constructor?
“A Constructor is a special member function whose tasks is to initialize objects of its class”.it is special because its name is the same as the class name.
“The Constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created, it is called constructor because it construct the value of data members of the class.”
Class integer     //class with a constructor
Int m,n;
Public integer(void);   //constructor is declared
Integer::integer(void)  //constructor define
Some Special Characteristics of Constructor:
a)     They should be declared in the public section.
b)    They are invoked automatically when the object are created.
c)     A default constructor does not have any parameter but if you need a constructor can have parameters.
d)    They do not have return types. They can’t returns values.
e)    They can’t inherited, through the derived class can call the base class constructor.
f)      Constructor can’t be virtual.
g)     They make implicit calls to the operators new and delete when memory allocation required.
Note: When a constructor is declared for a class, initialization of the calls objects becomes mandatory.
Concepts of Destructor?
“Destructor is also special member function in programming language.”
Destructors have the opposite function of a constructor. The main use of destructor is to release dynamic allocated memory. Destructors are used to free memory, release resources and to perform other clean up. Destructors are automatically named when an object is destroyed. Like constructor, destructor also the same name as that of the class name.
Syntax of Destructor

SO Friends these are few Article that will help you in "Basic concept of OOPs" next time i will put some more interesting commands thank you..I Hope this Helpfull for u... enjoy :)

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