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Saturday, 6 September 2014

C++ Question And Answer By Kr

C++ Knowledge Assignment test MCQ by Krishna Rajput
Info:- Dear student this test is based on your best practice result that u know about this test how more knowledge of C++ computer programming (chapter covered this test function to Polymorphism) so read question carefully and given answer this is not decide only your result it’s my result also so best of luck.
Instruction: - total question 35 all question are MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) in Red Color is all Question and Black color is your choice for given answer each question marks 2 marks total 70 marks
                                                                                                                    Time Duration: 1h15m

1) What syntax of Function?
a)      Type name ( parameter1, parameter2, ...) { statement }
b)      Name (parameter1, parameter2,...) { statement }
c)       ( parameter1, parameter2, ...) name { statement }
d)      ( parameter1, parameter2, ...) { statement }

2)  What Output of below this program?

#include <iostream>
int addition (int a, int b)
  int r;
  return (r);

int main ()
  int z;
  z = addition (5,3);
  cout << "The result is " << z;
  return 0;
a)      5
b)      3
c)       8
d)      15

3)  What is Output of below given program?               
#include <iostream>

void duplicate (int& a, int& b, int& c)

int main ()
  int x=1, y=3, z=7;
  duplicate (x, y, z);
  cout << "x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ", z=" << z;
  return 0;
a)      x=2, y=6, z=14
b)      x=1, y=3, z=7
c)       x=2, y=2, z=2
d)      x=a, y=b, z=c

4) What Syntax of inline function?
a)      inline type name ( arguments ... ) { instructions ... }
b)      ( arguments ... ) { instructions ... } inline type name
c)       inline type name { instructions ... } ( arguments ... )
d)      None of these.

5) In Arithmetic Pointer Using Char data type and variable name assign mypointer and using increment operater(Where mypointer value is 100000
For example char=*mypointer++ what is value of mypointer after increment?
a)      10000
b)      100002
c)       1000
d)      100001

6) In Arithmetic Pointer Using longint data type and variable name assign mypointer and using increment operater(Where mypointer value is 1991
For example longint=*mypointer++ what is value of mypointer after increment?
a)      1995
b)      1992
c)       1993
d)      1994

7) Which allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one base class?

a)        Multilevel inheritance
b)        Multiple inheritance
c)        Hybrid Inheritance
d)       Hierarchical Inheritance

8) The function whose prototype is void get Data (Item *thing); receives?
a)      a pointer to a structure
b)       a reference to a structure
c)       a copy of a structure
d)       Nothing

9) Which of the following statements declares a variable that can contain a decimal number?
a)      dec payRate;
b)      dec hourlyPay
c)      float payRate
d)      float hourlyPay;

10) A pointer to a block of memory is effectively same as an array?
a)      True
b)      False

11) The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is?
a)      switch
b)      goto
c)       go back
d)      return

12) What is error below given program?
Cout<”Hello Welcome to C++”;
Cout<”Find the error this program”;
Return 0;
a)      function missing
b)      operator missing
c)       semicolon missing
d)      all of above

13) A Derived class with only one base class is called?
a)      Multiple inheritance
b)      Single inheritance
c)       Hybrid inheritance
d)      None of these

14) The member function of a friend class can have direct access to data?
a)      Public
b)      Private
c)       Protected
d)      b & c both

15) In which type of inheritance, constructors are executed in the order of inheritance?
a)      Single inheritance
b)      Multiple inheritance
c)       Multilevel inheritance
d)      None of these

16) A virtual function, equated to zero is called a?
a)      Pointers
b)      Pure virtual function
c)       Polymorphism
d)      None of these

17) What means one name, multiple forms?
a)      Inheritance
b)      Polymorphism
c)       Function
d)      Abstraction

18) The member function could be selected while the program is running known as?
a)      Compile-time polymorphism
b)      Run-time polymorphism
c)       Abstraction
d)      Function

19) Mechanism of driving a class from ‘derived class’ known as multi-level inheritance?
a)      True
b)      False
c)       None of these
d)      Koi nahi option

20) What is output of below given program?
1.       #include<iostream.h>
2.       #include<conio.h>
3.       cout<<”Welcome to C++ programming\n”;
4.       cout<< “More Info Visit here\n”;
5.       main()
6.       {
7.       cout<<”Education is need to all human people\n”;
8.       cout<<”Please Indian people get education free of coast it’s my aim”;
9.       getch();
10.   return 0;
11.   }
a)      Lines 3,8,7,& 4
b)      Lines 4,7,8&  3
c)       Lines 8,7,4&  3
d)      Lines 7,8,3&  4

21) Operator function must me?
a)      Member function
b)      Friend function
c)       Both a & b
d)      None of these

22) Unary overloaded operator function can be invoked by expression?
a)      Op x
b)      X op
c)       None of these
d)      Both a & b

23) A minus operator when used as unary, take just how many operator?
a)      Two
b)      One
c)       Three
d)      Both a & b

24) Member function has one argument for unary operator a two argument for binary operator?
a)      True
b)      False
c)       Both a & b
d)      None of these

25) Constructor does not have?
a)      Void
b)      Return type
c)       Both a & b
d)      Ine mai se koi nahi

26) Integer int 1=integer (0,100); The following declaration of constructor is?
a)      Implicit
b)      Explicit
c)       Ine mai se koi nahi
d)      Both a & b

27) The constructor can also be used to allocated memory which creating?
a)      Class
b)      Object
c)       Function
d)      None of these

28) Dynamic initialization of object can provide various initialization formats using?
a)      Constructor
b)      Overloaded constructor
c)       All of above
d)      None of these

29) What is used to destroy the object that have been created by a?
a)      Constructor
b)      None of these
c)       Destructor
d)      Function

30) Constructor should declare in the private section?
a)      False
b)      True
c)       Both a & b
d)      None of these

31) Destructor takes argument and also returns value?
a)      True
b)      None of these
c)       False
d)      Both a & b

32) In class functions and variables are collectively called?
a)      Members
b)      Declaration
c)       Definitions
d)      None of these

33) Which function is used to assign values to member variables number and cost?
a)      Put data()
b)      Get data()
c)       Show data()
d)      Both a  & b

34) Private and public members are known as?
a)      Visibility labels
b)      Access specified
c)       Data member
d)      Function

35) The variable declared inside the classes are known as?
a)      Data member
b)      Class
c)       Object
d)      None of these

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